Professional Info
Aim high. That is the single most varluable lesson I have learned from nearly nine years of working in environmental consulting and at a large non-profit. I pride myself on being ambitious, thinking creatively and paying attention to detail.
Work Experience
Program Manager, Audubon California (2013-2017)
As our Salton Sea Program Manager, I led and collaborated with an interdisciplinary team of 8 staff, working to define habitat needs and secure significant and sustained funding mechanisms for the sea's restoration. As our GIS Program Manager, I oversaw our GIS program, using geospatial tools to improve our understanding of California birds and how our changing climate might impact them.
Senior Associate, ENVIRON International Corporation (2008-2013)
As part of the Air Quality Management group, I assisted clients in topics ranging from ambient air and meteorological monitoring, climate change and indoor environmental quality to criteria air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions inventory development, air dispersion modeling, and health risk assessments. I also used geostatistical methods such as kriging to create maps of areas where air quality impacts due to proposed land use projects are expected to be significant, based on modeled results at discrete locations.
Stanford University
M.S., Civil & Environmental Engineering (2008)
M.S., Aeronautics & Astronamtics (2007)
Texas A&M University
B.S., Aerospace Engineering (2005)